Single tickets:

    £117.00 each + £23.40 VAT = £140.40 inc.

    Half tables for five people (shared with five other people)

    £583 + £117.00 VAT = £702.00 inc

    A table for ten people

    £1170.00 + £234.00 VAT = £1404.00 (to include hosts table branding).
    There are a limited number of tables of 12 available on request.


    Please fill out the following information

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    I wish to reserve     places for the IBP Annual Journalism Awards Dinner 2015
    at the Four Seasons Hotel, London on 19th November 2015


    Company/Publication (required)


    Guest names (one per line)

    Payment can be made by cheque - send cheque to: IBP Services, 4th Floor, 4-8 Ludgate Circus, London EC4M 7L


    via our online payment system: www.ibp.org.uk/online-payments/

    Payment type:

    Other Message

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